The Big Lie: Farrakhan-backed Islamist Indiana Rep. Andre Carson foments violence using Alinsky-style propaganda against the Tea Party

Doug Ross

“Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and Polarize It.” —Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals

Repeat a lie often enough, through enough different propagandists, and a substantial percentage of the populace will begin to believe it.

The tactic is called “The Big Lie” and it was exploited to great effect during the thirties by none other than Adolf Hitler’s chief propagandist, Julius Streicher, to demonize Jews, Catholics, gypsies, homosexuals, the handicapped and other “undesirables”.

And this tactic is being used — plainly and obviously — against the Tea Party.

In recent days, the execrable columnist Leonard Pitts, the ethically challenged Rep. Maxine Waters, the half-wit Rep. Frederica Wilson, the rhyming adulterer “Reverend” Jesse Jackson and a host of other far left kooks have echoed the same “Big Lie” as if reading off some invisible teleprompter.

But none has gone as far as the left-wing Islamist race-baiter named Andre Carson

Lloyd Marcus at an Indiana Tea Party Express rally. Click on image for a larger view. H/T Marathon Pundit

This excellent article continues at DirectorBlue

H/T Marathon Pundit and Zilla of the Resistance

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