Byron York: Insurance company bailouts ‘absolutely will happen’ under Obamacare; new taxes hit next week

Brendan Bordelon The Daily Caller 12/26/2013

Washington Examiner reporter Byron York told Fox News on Thursday that a bailout of health insurance companies “absolutely will happen” under Obamacare, claiming a government lifeline is actually “built into the law.”

York spoke with Fox News’ Greg Jarrett and Jamie Colby about the latest healthcare tweak announced today […]





Duck Dynasty’s Robertson Angers Alcoholics, Philanderers Komissar Blogunov 12/19/2013

…Achmed al-Tikriti, president of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance of Muslims (GLAM) spoke out passionately on the Piers Morgan Show: “As a member of the most progressive and tolerant religion on earth, I urge Phil Robertson to reconsider his damaging statements and […]

GOP Doc: Vote to Defund Obamacare, Let Senate Erase It

Matthew Boyle Big Government 10 Sept 2013

A document House Majority Leader Eric Cantor distributed to all House Republicans on Tuesday, obtained by Breitbart News, confirms that he is planning to make it appear as though the House is voting to defund Obamacare while using a legislative procedural trick which would allow the Democrat-controlled […]

The Nation’s Only Black Senator Was Not Invited to Speak at Event Commemorating MLK’s ‘March on Washington’

Jason Howerton The Blaze 8/28/2013

Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), the only black person serving in the U.S. Senate, was not invited speak at Wednesday’s event commemorating the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic march on Washington. There were, however, a number of Democratic lawmakers who were invited to appear.

‘Moderate’ Republicans killing the party

Anthony Martin Conservative Examiner 7/28/2013

As the Examiner reported Saturday, a rift has developed between moderate, elitist establishment Republicans and conservatives over funding for Obamacare…

…The contentious Obamacare debate between the conservatives and the elitists in the Republican Party is indicative of a much wider and deeper rift within the Party. Conservatives charge that in […]

‘I think you’re obsessed with guns’

Ted Nugent Goes Off on Piers Morgan During Fiery Gun Debate: ‘You’re So Full of Crap’

Jason Howerton The Blaze 2/4/2013

Rock legend Ted Nugent sat down with CNN’s Piers Morgan in a Texas gun shop on Monday to talk, well, guns. Nugent blasted Morgan over his apparent “obsession with guns” and told him to […]
