“[H]e is among a select breed of politicians who have a keen and deep understanding of the inner workings of government.” I’d like to suggest that he’s actually one of the few people in D.C. with a deep understanding of the Statist Administrative State. Portman is a Statist and this legislation is Exhibit A.
Yesterday I posted a lengthy list of crimes against conservatism by Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), who is rumored to top Mitt Romney’s short list of VP candidates. At the bottom of the diary was a link to the brief summary of an ominous-sounding bill introduced by Portman on Friday. The text of the bill is finally up at the Library of Congress website and it’s bad. On the same day Portman said this:
“Unfortunately, however, I could not support today’s transportation bill because at a time of record debt and deficits, it breaks the budget agreement Congress established just last year. American families are making the tough decisions necessary to live within their means during this time of soaring spending and record debt, and Congress must do the same. We must lead by example and stop spending money we do not have….”
…Portman had no qualms about putting a bill in the hopper that promises to saddle our country with another massive federal bureaucracy: The Global Conservation Act of 2012…
…You may recognize that many of these goals closely parallel those of the UN’s Agenda 21, which would drag the our country into a massive network of global environmental regulations.
Why Sen. Portman would choose to focus on these goals at a time that our economy is grinding to a screeching halt under the weight of a crushing debt is simply baffling. Perhaps he’s strategically thinking that as the VP candidate, he could reach out to the liberals. Perhaps he really believes in the UN and all this environmental justice nonsense. Whatever his reasons, this legislation completely contradicts what he wrote in a July 4th editorial in the Cleveland Plain Dealer…
…Not only do we need to vigorously oppose all legislation that attempts to build the Administrative State (and somehow, painstakingly dismantle the monstrosity that is currently in place), but we must seriously call into question Mitt Romney’s plans for this country if he chooses a Vice Presidential candidate—any candidate—who favors this unconstitutional “fourth branch” of government. We cannot begin to dig out of the hole we’re in with men and women who can’t even see the problem in front of them.
Read this entire article at RedState!