Walter Russell Mead
The American Interest
One of the final obstacles to the Keystone pipeline has just been cleared: A report released yesterday by Nebraska’s Department of Environmental Quality found that building the pipeline would not pose a threat to any of the state’s environmentally sensitive areas. The Wall Street Journal reports:
The much-anticipated final review of the pipeline found that a new route proposed by operator TransCanada Corp. avoids sensitive regions that have been a source of concern. Nebraska became the center of the debate over Keystone XL after the Obama administration rejected a permit for the pipeline last year, saying a congressional deadline made it difficult to conduct a thorough review of the state’s concerns.
Friday’s report triggered a 30-day deadline for Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman, a Republican, to make a final recommendation to the U.S. government on whether to go forward with the pipeline. Nebraska’s approval is considered crucial to final approval by the Obama administration…
The article continues at The American Interest.
Update: Cash for Clunkers actually hurt the environment
Update 2: Report: EPA head Lisa Jackson resigned in a huff over Keystone Pipeline.