Paul Ryan announces intention to destroy conservative elements in his party

Unreal – Paul Ryan Announces Chamber of Commerce Lobbyist Will Be His Chief of Staff…

Conservative Treehouse

With this announcement representative Paul Ryan is openly announcing his intention to destroy the conservative elements within the republican party.  And yet again, its doubtful anyone will try to stop him.

The president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Tom Donohue, recently announced his intentions to eliminate opposition to their progressive big government positions and destroy fiscal conservatives (Tea Party).

Tom Donohue demands:

♦ approval of the TPP trade deal,

♦ continuation of ObamaCare,

♦ comprehensive immigration reform to include amnesty, and

♦ federal education Common Core education standards.

Previously we explained how deep the tentacles of the CoC reach within the Republican party – SEE HERE



The article continues at Conservative Treehouse.




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