Dem. Elijah Cummings defends shocking emails showing he coordinated with IRS effort to target True the Vote




Michael Dorstewitz BizPac Review 4/10/2014

…At a February committee hearing, Cummings claimed that any notion that he or his staff had put True The Vote “on the radar screen” of the IRS was “absolutely incorrect and untrue.”

This new information, in the form of letters and emails from 2012 […]

Panelist at Podesta Think Tank on Common Core: 'The Children Belong to All of Us'

Penny Starr CNSNews 2/3/2014

In addressing criticism of the Common Core national education standards, a panelist at the Center for American Progress (CAP), a liberal think tank, said critics were a “tiny minority” who opposed standards altogether, which was unfair because “the children belong to all of us.”

The CAP was founded by John Podesta, […]

Project Veritas: Wendy Davis Supporters, BGTX Mock Greg Abbott’s Disability

VeritasVisuals YouTube 1/23/2014

While investigating Obamacare Navigators, Battleground Texas, and their connection to Obama’s Organizing for America, we caught some deeply offensive comments on tape.

Wendy Davis and Battleground Texas supporters are seen on camera making statements such as “Since he’s in a wheelchair and most the slogans are “Stand with Wendy” and “Stand with […]

Obamacare Will Not Prevent Hospitals from Overcharging

John R. Graham Conservative Outfitters 12/27/2013

In two recent posts I discussed out-of-control prices for hospital services, especially emergency-room care. In the first, I argued that sky-high hospital prices are the result of government interference. In the second, I cheered the fact that consumer-driven health plans are inducing hospitals (ever so gradually) to be more […]

Pajama Boy Nation

Victor Davis Hanson Works and Days PJ Media 12/22/2013





Will Kane of High Noon Pajama Boy wasn’t. Somehow we as a nation went from the iconic Marlboro Man to Pajama Boy — from the noble individual with a bad habit to the ignoble without a good habit — without a […]

The Case That Could Topple Obamacare

Pema Levy Newsweek 12/17/2013

Obamacare may have its problems, including more bugs than you can find in the cornfields of Nebraska, but its legal worries were meant to end after the Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate, the heart of the Affordable Care Act.

Now, as the technologists charged with making work report progress, […]
