1992: Nancy Pelosi Pushes Agenda 21 On House Floor

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton NoisyRoom.net 2/29/2012

What you are about to see in this video is Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) spearheading HC Res 353 on the House floor to pursue United Nations (UN) Agenda 21. She calls out “Agenda 21” twice and clearly states that it is the “United Nations Sustainable Development” program.

Advance to 11:43:30 on the […]

House Dems Say They Oppose Hyde Amendment, Support Taxpayer Funding of Abortion

Penny Starr CNSNews.com 2/9/2011

(CNSNews.com) – A group of House Democrats — asked directly if they support the use of federal (taxpayer) funds to pay for abortion — said yes, they do.

At press conference on Wednesday, the Democrats also voiced their opposition to two Republican-sponsored bills that would prohibit federal funding of abortion. CNSNews.com […]
