Billionaire George Soros ‘slapped 28-year-old Brazilian ex-lover and tried to choke her after he refused to give her $1.9m Manhattan apartment’
The Daily Mail [UK]
11th August 2011
Billionaire financier George Soros is being sued for $50 million by his former lover – a 28-year-old Brazilian soap star who claims he physically abused her and broke a promise to give her a Manhattan apartment.
Adriana Ferreyr claims her 80-year-old former boyfriend slapped her across the face and placed his hands around her neck in a bid to choke her while they argued about the $1.9million flat.
The details of the acrimonious split are to be aired in Manhattan Supreme Court, where Miss Ferreyr yesterday filed her $50 million suit.
It states that the actress was dating Mr Soros, estimated to be worth about £14.5billion [$23.5 billion US], for around five years. During that time he promised to give her an apartment at 30 East 85th Street, worth $1.9 million and a city block from Central Park…
The article continues, with photos of the happy couple, at The Daily Mail. Try not to throw up in your mouth as you read the whole thing.
This sidebar is from the article:
Hungarian-born Mr Soros, while being a notable philanthropist championing liberal causes, is also known as the ‘Man Who Broke The Bank Of England’.He made an estimated £600 million [approx. $900-972 million US] during the 1992 ‘Black Wednesday’ UK currency crises, correctly predicting that the British government would have to devalue the pound.
On 16 September, 1992, his fund sold short more than $10 billion worth of pounds [approx $15 billion US], profiting from the UK government’s reluctance to either raise its interest rates or float its currency – finally withdrawing from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism and devaluing the pound.
In 1997, the UK Treasury estimated the cost of Black Wednesday at £3.4 billion [$5.5 billion].
CAJ note: Sort of makes one wonder what Mr. Soros has been doing in the markets for the past week. He has repeatedly declared the U.S. dollar “needs” to be devalued and that we, and our Constitution, are the final stumbling block to his dream of a One World government. You can see why Senator Barack Obama received immeasurable support from Soros in 2008.
Big H/T to The Virginian
Update: JammieWearingFool has more…
…It’s theorized Soros made a nice score betting on the Obama Downgrade, so why not just pony up?
Update 2: George Soros Paid for Sex?
Why is an ex-girlfriend suing George Soros for $50 million? Soros denies that claim, but an ex ‘girlfriend’ is suing him for $50 million dollars claiming the billionaire progressive tried to choke her. The relationship was described by Soros’ attorney as ‘on and off’ and ‘non-exclusive’, does that translate to prostitution?…
…Soros’s lawyer explains that a police investigation found no evidence of assault, and that her current lawsuit is “riddled with false charges and is obviously an attempt to extract money.”
“This is sex for money,” Glenn said. “Mr. Soros did have an off again-on-again nonexclusive relationship with her.”
“Have you ever tried to bring down a currency without multiple girlfriends. It’s very difficult. Stressful,” Stu joked.