John Nolte
Big Journalism
15 Dec 2012
As you’ll see in the video below, through Soledad O’Brien, CNN is desperate to set the table for policies that will make us less safe by ensuring only bad guys have guns. This is what I call Narrative Setting, where the media decides what The Narrative (our national conversation) will be surrounding a particular story – in this case a heinous school shooting in Connecticut. And how this Narrative Setting is done, is exactly what CNN did to Rep. Mary Bono Mack this morning, every time she attempted to bring up any solution to mass shootings outside of unconstitutional gun-grabbing.
Witness the media art of Whack-a-Mole…
Not only are CNN and Soledad making sure Rep. Bono Mack pays a heavy price every time she brings up a solution inconvenient to their agenda (mental health, air marshals); they’re also sending a not-too-subtle message to others that this is not what we are going to talk about. In other words, anyone who dares talk about anything other than gun control is going to get publicly whack-a-moled.
You’ve been warned, conservatives!…
…One day after this country’s worst tragedy in a decade, CNN is already drawing a line that says this is “settled science.”…
The entire article, with video, is at Big Journalism.
Related: Dem Congresswoman Vows To “Take The Gloves Off” And “Embarrass” Obama Until He Cracks Down On Guns….
H/T JM who wrote, “You’d think a congressperson in this country would understand that the President can’t do a freaking thing about the Second Amendment. The Congress, of which she’s a part, has to introduce and pass an amendment nullifying it through both houses with a 2/3 majority and then get 3/4 of the states to ratify it…”
Newtown: An American Tragedy, Not a Political Opportunity
…From the moment I tuned in, CBS was announcing how imperative Gun Control was, while accusing Speaker of the House John Boehner of ducking the issue. They immediately followed this observation up with interviews of precious little ones, who had seen their playmates murdered at school.
Adding to CBS’ editorial narrative was a review of the sensationally horrible Columbine School Massacre, with numerous survivor interviews attached.
Richard Schlesinger wrapped up the CBS Special Report with more interviews of the surviving schoolchildren, trotted in front of the unblinking camera, in a manner reminiscent of P.T. Barnum exhibiting Freaks of Nature to a curious public for sensationalism’s sake.
Also, earlier in the day, hastily-organized professional demonstrators marched back in forth of the White House clamoring for gun control.
Are you beginning to see a pattern here?…
…The Liberals will tell you that it’s the guns’ fault and Americans own too many of them.
Well, first off, Americans have owned guns since this nation was born.
The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads,
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
This Amendment was written by our forefathers to protect Americans from not only foreign enemies and despots, but, internal ones, as well.
And, that is what makes Liberals nervous.
You see, without that Second Amendment, and the protection that it provides American citizens, an out-of-control president could, through executive orders, take away our personal freedoms…
After school massacre, 100,000 Americans petition White House for gun control Get ready for a “national conversation”…
Mark Levin blasts a “national conversation” on guns being pushed by politicians and the media
The bodies of the dead are still in the school at this hour and Americans who believe in the Constitution already feel the need to defend their right to carry guns against politicians and media outlets who are trying to start a ‘national conversation’ about gun control. But Levin says they don’t really want a national conversation about it. They don’t talk to talk about movies and TV or the fact that we’re not teaching our kids right from wrong in the classrooms or the politicians who always seek to divide Americans against each other. They just want to talk about taking our bill of rights away from us, he says.
Krauthammer weighs in on how people will analyze shooting in Newtown, CT
Krauthammer says that while many will blame the gun or cultural influences, he leans toward the psychology of the shooter
Dereliction: A Constant Stream of Media Misinformation in Conn. Massacre
The Old Media establishment has done a disservice to an American public heartbroken over the murders at a Connecticut grade school by reporting untrue “facts” over and over again and by using emotionally tinged phrases that do not relay fact but instead push an agenda…
Clarice Feldman comments:
Other pertinent facts have also been left out of this story. With the renewed call for “strict gun laws,” it should be noted that Conn. already has bans on guns in schools. It is a felony to carry a gun on school property if you have no concealed carry permit, and local school boards have even been given the power to tell concealed carry license holders that they haven’t a right to carry in their district. Local school districts have the power to deny a permit holder his right to carry.
According to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Connecticut has the fifth strictest gun laws in the nation. The strict gun laws didn’t stop the killing just as in the case with a long list of similar killings in foreign countries that also have strict gun banning laws.
Rampage Shootings: It’s the Moral Decay of Society, not Guns
It should come as no surprise that the rate of mass shootings at schools and in other public places is increasing. The surge has nothing to do with guns, which have been widely available in the U.S. for years. Gun control laws have been increasing. Instead, there is a direct correlation between the increase in violence and the gradual degradation of morals, ethics and parenting. We are cultivating mental illness in our society…
…The left will use the high level of emotion stirred up by this past week’s two rampage killings to push through new gun control laws. Liberal New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg called upon President Obama to enact tougher gun control laws immediately after Friday’s mass shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut…
Update: MSNBC’s Alex Wagner: Hopefully Connecticut Massacre Will Create ‘Political Capital’ for Gun Control
These inhuman MSNBC progressives have no shame.
Update 2: This is rich coming from the man who brought us Operation Fast and Furious: Attorney General Eric Holder Addresses Connecticut School Shootings: ‘We Must Ask Ourselves Some Hard Questions’
Attorney General Eric Holder made remarks a short time ago on the tragic school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, where a 20-year-old gunman killed 20 children and six adults. Holder appeared to suggest the country’s gun laws may need to be looked at more closely in the wake of the latest mass shooting.
“As a nation I think we have to ask ourselves some hard questions. We gather too often to talk about these kinds of incidents. We need to discuss who we are as a nation, talk about the freedoms that we have, the rights that we have and how those might be used in a responsible way. But for now I think we should concentrate on dealing with the situation in Connecticut and we are doing, as I said, the best that we can at the Justice Department and throughout federal law enforcement,” Holder said.
Mr. Holder, our rights do not come from the U.S. government. Your bureaucracy does not bestow our freedom. You are a racist, a liar, and a hypocrite. Start concentrating on that, why don’t you…
No, mass shootings are not on the increase
I told you yesterday that the remedies suggested in response to the Newtown, CT, shooting would be all about the politics.
Demands for bans on assault weapons in a shooting that did not involve an assault weapon, or for greater gun control laws in response to a shooting in a state with gun control laws which were complied with, are based on emotion, not analysis.
The perception that mass shootings are on the rise such that “something must be done,” appears to be emotion not supported by facts…
Update 3: Dem. lawmaker: To get gun control, Obama must ‘exploit’ shooting
A veteran Democratic lawmaker believes the nation will go along with stronger gun control laws if President Obama “exploits” the Newtown, Conn., tragedy and nudges Congress to action.
Rep. Jerrold Nadler, who represents portions of New York City, said he was encouraged by Mr. Obama’s statement on Friday afternoon that the mass shooting, which claimed the lives of 20 young children, requires “meaningful action” by Congress, but hopes those words turn into concrete legislation…