Beck Takes His Conservative Internet Shows to the Dish Network

Brian Stelter The New York Times 9/12/2012

Glenn Beck is bringing his brand of conservative commentary back to the television set.

One year after embracing an Internet-only distribution model, Mr. Beck is repositioning his streaming network, TheBlaze TV, as an offering for cable and satellite operators — in other words, TV the old-fashioned way.

On […]

Glenn Beck’s ‘Restoring’ Love Rally Proves The Tea Party Isn’t Dead

Elena Schneider Business Insider 7/30/2012

Conservative, doom-and-gloom Tea Party icon Glenn Beck says he is on a new mission. A mission for love.

More than one year after his Fox News departure, Beck — accompanied by a gospel choir, an orchestra, an exact replica of the Liberty Bell — made his comeback official this weekend, […], GBTV, and the Marketplace merging into new, world class multimedia network called ‘TheBlaze’ 6/18/2012

Over the last few months we’ve been slowly pulling back the curtain on some of the big plans we have in store—plans that, with your support, will change the world. From new initiatives to feed the hungry, to voter registration drives, to collaborations with artists and musicians, to the Restoring Love events […]

GBTV’s Massive Voter Registration Drive

George Soros is registered twice in New York?

Tiffany Gabbay The Blaze 6/6/2012

On Tuesday evening, Glenn Beck delivered some very sobering voter registration statistics. Did you know that 33 million — or, 14% of Americans of voting age — believe they are registered to vote but are not? As part of phase two of […]

Michelle Obama, Beyonce Wannabe

She markets Beyonce, a singer whose sexualized videos, song lyrics and inappropriate dress have prompted criticism from her own fans. How reckless of Michelle to push the soft porn ‘artistry’ of Beyonce onto a demographic already wandering around in a moral wilderness.

Anne BackyardConservative 5/31/2012

We know Michelle O has achieved quite a […]

‘This President’s Life is Fiction’

Glenn Beck’s expose on Barack Obama and his “fairy tale” story

Glenn Beck 5/16/2012

The program begins at 45 seconds.

Click on the GBTV logo in the video window if you have trouble viewing it here, or go directly to GBTV to watch.

Last week on GBTV, Glenn ran one of his most popular […]
