Push back: Walmart responds to recent New York Times hit piece with surprisingly aggressive tone

T. Beckett Adams The Washington Examiner 6/23/2014

The New York Times published an op-ed recently decrying Walmart for not paying its workers higher wages and for promoting “income inequality.”

And although it’s not exactly new or interesting for an op-ed to attack the mega retailer, what is interesting is how Walmart responded.

Basically, Walmart took […]

If You Think Being Ruled by Obama is Bad, Try Being Ruled by the Chinese

Hamilton Breitbart.com Big Government 28 Dec 2013

…So we might take these data points and fast-forward them a decade or two. That is to say, we could multiply Chinese ambition and technology–including all they have stolen from the West–plus Moore’s Law, and quickly see that the Chinese are formidable. Indeed, if we extrapolate out present […]

Obama administration unleashes a flood of new regulations – after the election

Rick Moran American Thinker 12/13/2012

No use screaming about it. This is the power of incumbency and even though it is dishonest and hypocritical, it is legal. And there’s nothing the GOP can do about it…

For months, federal agencies and the White House have sidetracked dozens of major regulations that cover everything from power […]

Schiff: Is a college degree worth the cost? You decide.

SchiffReport YouTube 11/13/2012

President Obama promotes the myth that everyone must go to college. That if you don’t go, your life will be ruined — that you will end up waiting tables, or trapped in some other mundane occupation. The truth is, even with a college degree, you may still end up waiting tables, you’ll […]

Romney in Ohio

ROMNEY RALLY IN TOLEDO: Huge Crowd Stands in Line in the Rain!

R.S. McCain The Other McCain 9/26/2012

TOLEDO, Ohio–OK, if you believe the polls, Mitt Romney’s 10 points behind in Ohio. But then there are those people — THOUSANDS of people — who stood in line in the rain to get in to see […]

Meet the real workers Obama screwed over

“How can our own federal government pick winners and losers amongst its own citizens?”


Michelle Malkin 8/8/2012

My column today contrasts the phony Romney-killed-a-steelworker’s-wife fable from Obama’s sleazy SuperPAC with the actual stories of economic havoc that Obama’s union-pandering administration wrought on thousands of Delphi workers.

A reminder of what I wrote […]
