White House releases Holdren video blaming polar vortex on global warming

Glenn Beck 1/9/2014

Earlier this week, Glenn mocked the local news coverage of the “polar vortex” – primarily, the fact that the media continued to find a way to spin the sub-zero temperatures as a byproduct of global warming. Well, it didn’t take long for the White House to get in on the action – […]

Obama: ‘We’re Not Repealing Obamacare as Long as I’m President’

Andrew Johnson National Review Online 12/3/2013

In his first remarks since the White House’s deadline for the improved HealthCare.gov, President Obama renewed his commitment to the law amid criticism for its initial launch. “My main message today is we’re not going back,” he said on Tuesday.

Citing a handful of anecdotal examples, the president highlighted […]

Senators want to spend tax dollars to control the weather; science ‘czar’ Holdren praises NASA warmist Hansen

Michael Bastasch The Daily Caller 8/3/2012

f Texas Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Colorado Democratic Sen. Mark Udall have their way, rain will go away come again some other day of their choosing.

Both Hutchison and Udall have introduced unsuccessful bills in the past that would have created national boards to oversee and fund […]

‘[R]eferences to size, power or sexual potency (direct or implied) could be banned from automobile advertising.’

“ways must be found to control advertising” and to persuade people to adopt a new understanding about the quality of life.

Althouse 3/5/2012

According to a book co-authored by John P. Holdren, the White House science adviser to President Barack Obama.

(Via I Hate the Media.)

ADDED: I see I already had […]

SEC Shines the Light on Crony Capitalism

…the White House and several of the Executive Department agencies may have a very busy schedule over the next few months trying to figure out what they didn’t know and when they didn’t know about LightSquared…

Chriss W. Street Big Government 12/10/2011

Harbinger Capital Partners LLC hedge fund just acknowledged its highly political […]

Congressman: Science ‘czar’ giving China U.S. technology

‘Following law not voluntary for administration officials’

Bob Unruh WorldNetDaily 11/5/2011

A congressman says he’s alarmed that President Obama’s science “czar,” John Holdren, apparently has been collaborating with the Chinese even though Congress specifically prohibited that activity in a bill signed into law by his boss, Obama.

The accusations from U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf. R-Va., […]
