Communist Defector Speaks Out on America’s Marxist Future

Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa

Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media 6/12/2012

A top communist defector is warning of an unprecedented “alliance” between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party, reflected in the CPUSA’s endorsement of Barack Obama for president in 2008 and the party’s continued support for Democratic Party policies. But is this […]

The Dark Art of ‘BenSmithing’ Helped Cover Up Obama’s ‘New Party’ Membership

John Nolte Big Journalism 6/7/2012

In 2008, National Review’s Stanley Kurtz got BenSmithed. He didn’t just get BenSmithed, though, he got BenSmithed by the BenSmithiest BenSmither in the history of BenSmithing — Ben Smith himself.

Oh, I remember it well. We were thisclose to election day, the wind was squarely at Barack Obama’s […]

‘Occupy Wall Street’ was Organized by SEIU-ACORN

MultiVideofile 10/7/2011

Video exposing “Occupy Wall Street” was organized from Day One by SEIU/ACORN and the Working Families Party, and how they all tie to the Obama Administration, the DNC, Democratic Socialists of America, the Tides Foundation, and George Soros.

Related: Michael Bloomberg tells Occupy Wall Street protesters to lay off banks

New York […]

Frances Fox-Piven, Cornel West, planning national “Teach-In” April 5th

Obama-Linked Socialists Encourage Spread of Militant Protests

Trevor Loudon Emerging Corruption 3/21/2011

Frances Fox Piven and Cornel West, both leaders of the U.S.’s largest Marxist organization, Democratic Socialists of America, are planning to link up with activists across the U.S. on April 5 to encourage further militant actions.

According to socialist website In these […]

Another Target of FBI Terror Raids Connected to SEIU

Founding Bloggers 9/28/2010

In our previous post connecting the targets of recent FBI terror-related search warrants to Barack Obama’s New Party, we noted Gateway Pundit’s reporting on the connections of at least one of those targets to SEIU.

Now another one of the targets of the FBI subpoenas, Thomas Burke, is connected to the same […]

Obama and America’s Progressive Hexagon

[H/T Public Secrets]


The Hexagon Of Progress: Barack Obama – Working Families Party – Democratic Socialists Of America – New Party – ACORN – SEIU

When a candidate of the Democratic or Republican parties is successfully elected President of the United States, it is widely accepted that by virtue of being the […]
