The Chappaqua Case: The Feds Muscle In on Local Zoning Laws

HUD has rewritten the definition of “fair housing.”

Howard Husock National Review 7/30/2015

Here’s a question for Hillary Clinton: Should a U.S. attorney threaten a county with more than $1 million in fines if it refuses to pressure local officials to approve a housing development?

The issue is not at all hypothetical. It’s front and […]

Hitting the boiling point over the border

Amnesty forces may finally have gone too far

Mark Krikorian Commentary The Washington Times 7/17/2014

…Perhaps one particular decision by the White House highlights how concerned the administration is about public reaction: As of now, not a single illegal-alien detainee seems to have been sent to Louisiana or Arkansas, the states bordering Texas that are […]

Limbaugh is right about Obama’s war on suburbs

Robert Romano NetRightDaily 7/18/2014

“What better way to give a boost to the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Act and the remaking of American neighborhoods than to start injecting illegal immigrant populations into targeted cities and towns in the suburbs all across the country?”

That was national radio talk show superhost Rush Limbaugh commenting on a […]

Cruz Votes Against Castro, Cornyn Votes for Him

Bob Price Breitbart Texas 10 Jul 2014

HOUSTON, Texas—U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) joined 17 other Republicans in voting for the confirmation of San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro to be the next Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). U.S. Senator Ted Cruz joined 25 other Republicans in voting against the confirmation…

…Cornyn did […]

Mike Lee, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz Chart ‘Road to Majority’

Josh Seigel The Daily Signal 6/19/2014

Three prominent Republican senators – all rumored presidential candidates in 2016 – today projected their visions for the future of the party during the first day of the Road to Majority conference in Washington…

…The Daily Signal highlights some quotes and other moments from the senators at the opening […]

Obama Moves to Impose His Vision of How We Should Live, Part One

Paul Mirengoff PowerLine 12/26/2013

As the end of the year approaches, we are waiting for the Obama administration to complete the process by which its rule on “affirmatively furthering fair housing” (AFFH) becomes embedded in the Code of Federal Regulations. In July, the Department of Housing and Urban Development issued its proposed AFFH rule for […]
