Soros’ Son Says, ‘Get Money Out of Politics’ – But Helped Give $58M to Lefty Causes in 2011

Politico profiles Jonathan Soros campaign, ignores involvement in Open Society Foundation.

Mike Ciandella Media Research Center 3/31/2014

The son of one of the largest liberal donors of all time campaigning against money in politics might seem a bit strange.

What’s even stranger is that, while he was spearheading that campaign, he was simultaneously vice chairman […]

Canadian Indian Chiefs getting money from Tides Foundation...

…for opposing oil sands development?

Glenn Reynolds Instapundit 1/19/2014

A left-wing lobby group in San Francisco wired $55,000 to the bank account of an Indian chief in Northern Alberta, paying him to oppose the oilsands.

And sure enough, that chief – Allan Adam, from the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation – earned his money. Last weekend, […]

Amnesty Incorporated: DHS Hires Activist Immigration Lawyers

J. Christian Adams PJ Media 12/4/2013

Despite the sequester, the Department of Homeland Security has just completed a hiring blitz of attorneys to oversee and manage immigration litigation. Almost all of these new civil service attorney hires hail from an activist pro-amnesty and pro-asylum background. Sources within the Department of Homeland Security report that the […]

Democrat Operatives Launch Class-Warfare Website

Aaron Klein WorldNetDaily 11/27/2012

A George Soros-funded radical think tank with close ties to the Democratic Party has launched a new website urging politicians and activists to wage class warfare while hailing what it calls a new era in politics – the use of class warfare to win elections. was launched last week by […]

UCLA Tries to Back Away From ‘National Dream University’ for Illegal Immigrants

Michael Patrick Leahy Big Government 12 Aug 2012

UCLA continues to back away from National Dream University,the partnership announced last week by the UCLA Center for Labor Research and Education and the National Labor College that will offer college courses to illegal aliens around the country.

The partnership is the brain child of two […]

Who else, Mr. President?

Obama’s changed. Gone is that young knight drawing the sword from the stone, selling Hopium to the adoring media, preaching an end to the broken politics of the past. These days, he wears a new presidential persona: the multimillionaire with the Chicago clout, playing the class warrior, fighting for that second term.


