Colfax City Council Reported Rejected Agenda 21

City Council Awakens to Evil and Defeats It

AJ Noisy Room 4/12/2012

The City of Colfax, CA reportedly defeated UN Agenda 21 by a 4-0 vote and passed Resolution No. 12-2012.

Ken Delfino, one of the City Councilmen, reportedly wrote a letter describing what he learned about UN Agenda 21 and urges others to educate […]

Maurice Strong at the Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro, 1992

“We are now a species out of control.”

Darin Moser American Alert News 3/28/2012

The following video is archive footage from June 3rd, 1992 of Maurice Strong, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) delivering his introductory remarks at the opening plenary of the 1992 Earth Summit […]
