John Nolte
Big Hollywood
19 Nov 2012
Having reached her mid-seventies, Oscar-winner Jane Fonda is now in that phase of her career where she’s celebrated with all kinds of “achievement awards.” Last night at the L.A. Press Club gala honoring her, Fonda revealed that her biggest regret in life is no longer not “f***ing” mass-murderer Che Guevera, but that moment that defined her even more than her film career: when she was photographed sitting on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun meant to shoot down American pilots during the Vietnam War…
…Personally, I don’t think Fonda regrets sitting on that anti-aircraft gun. I think she regrets being caught sitting on that anti-aircraft gun. Nothing in Fonda’s statements or subsequent actions has ever shown me that she understands just how evil that act was…
Read the complete article at Big Hollywood.
Update: At The Daily Caller, Sorry somebody took a picture in which Jim Treacher educates the young ‘uns on why she’s called “Hanoi Jane”