Michelle puts Saudis in their place. GOOD



Don Surber The Scorekeeper 1/28/2015

For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of Michelle Obama…

…You respect the local custom out of courtesy to the lands you visit. But the House of Saud deserves no respect. It is an extremist Muslim country that beheads people who do not […]

To end 'discrimination,' Aceh to impose Sharia on non-Muslims as well as Muslims

Robert Spencer Jihad Watch 9/22/2014

We are constantly told by Sharia advocates in the U.S. — those who fight to kill anti-Sharia laws in various states — that Sharia applies only to Muslims, and only to their personal religious observance, such that restricting it would be to interfere with their First Amendment rights. The political […]

Iranian youths sentenced to flogging for dancing to 'Happy'



Pamalinksy The People’s Cube 9/21/2014

Did you hear? Pharrell Williams is asking us to take a break and be happy. I agree! But Iranian youth who filmed themselves dancing to Pharrell Williams’ ‘Happy’ were arrested, tried, and sentenced to 91 lashes and 6 months jail time each.

The sentences were suspended, however, […]

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Met With Standing Ovation At Yale University

Daniel Mael Truth Revolt 9/16/2014

Despite a dishonest attempt by Yale’s Muslim Students Association to sabotage a scheduled lecture by women’s rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the event took place Monday evening absent of conflict. On the contrary, Hirsi Ali was met with a standing round of applause at the end of the evening.

The […]

Former Muslim Schools Obama On Islam And ISIL

ISIL’s 10,000 members are all Muslims. They come from different countries and have one common denominator — Islam.

Tom Hinchey Western Journalism 9/4/2014

Brother Rachid, a former Muslim and the son of a Moroccan imam, has posted a video called “A Message to President Obama From a Former Muslim” in which he attempts to give […]

Poll: 95 Percent of BBC Viewers Think Multiculturalism Has Failed

Donna Rachel Edmunds Breitbart.com Breitbart London 31 Aug 2014

A whopping 95 percent of respondents to a BBC straw poll have said that they think multiculturalism in Britain is a failure. The poll was taken yesterday morning during the BBC’s Saturday Morning Live show, and asked “Is multiculturalism working?” Just 5 percent said “Yes”; 95 […]
