Susan Collins says it’s too late to repeal Obamacare; Mark Levin responds

The Right Scoop 10/10/2014

Mark Levin broke the story a few minutes ago that our RINO Senator from Maine, Susan Collins, told a local news station that she won’t vote to repeal Obamacare because we are past the point of repealing Obamacare.

Here’s the video from the local news station (h/t: HuffPo)…

…Here’s Mark Levin […]

Holiday Document Dump: 1,300 Pages Of Obamacare Regs On July 4th Eve

Larry O’Connor

Truth Revolt


The Department of Health and Human Services released nearly 1,300 pages of new regulations related to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) at 4:15 Thursday, just as the nation was beginning their Independence Day holiday weekend, The regulations deal with payment rates to doctors and hospitals. How doctors get paid by […]

Liberals Wanted to use the VA as a Model for National Health Care

Daniel Greenfield FrontPage Magazine 5/23/2014

ObamaCare could have been even worse. (via James Taranto)

In 2009, the Campaign for America’s Future, a collection of influential lefties within the Democratic Party, ran a blog post that proposed to use the VA as a national health care model.

CAF events had featured Obama, Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth […]

86M Full-Time Private-Sector Workers Sustain 148M Benefit Takers

Terence P. Jeffrey 4/16/2014

…All told, including both the welfare recipients and the non-welfare beneficiaries, there were 151,014,000 who “received benefits from one or more programs” in the fourth quarter of 2011. Subtract the 3,212,000 veterans, who served their country in the most profound way possible, and that leaves 147,802,000 non-veteran benefit takers.

The […]

#Stinkburger Is An Insight On Adolescent Presidency

Editorial Investor’s Business Daily 4/3/2014

…The Congressional Budget Office last year projected the national debt would increase by $6.3 trillion from 2014 to 2023; in February, the CBO revised that forecast upward to a terrifying $7.3 trillion.

But when a serious Republican leader puts forward a plan that cuts $5 trillion over 10 years, while […]

ObamaCare's Secret Mandate Exemption

HHS quietly repeals the individual purchase rule for two more years.

The Wall Street Journal 3/11/2014

ObamaCare’s implementers continue to roam the battlefield and shoot their own wounded, and the latest casualty is the core of the Affordable Care Act—the individual mandate. To wit, last week the Administration quietly excused millions of people from the […]
