Sean Higgins
The Washington Examiner
A story in the Washington Post yesterday about the Internal Revenue Service’s Cincinnati office, which does most of the agency’s nonprofit auditing, clearly contradicted earlier reports that the agency’s targeting of Tea Party groups was the result of rogue agents.
The Post story anonymously quoted a staffer in Cincinnati as saying they only operate on directives from headquarters:
…“We’re not political,’’ said one determinations staffer in khakis as he left work late Tuesday afternoon. “We people on the local level are doing what we are supposed to do. . . . That’s why there are so many people here who are flustered. Everything comes from the top. We don’t have any authority to make those decisions without someone signing off on them. There has to be a directive.”…
Read the complete article at The Washington Examiner.
Related: The Liberal Union Behind the IRS Obama, IG Report refuse to touch powerful Treasury Employees Union headed by ex-IRS agent.
At Pat Dollard, Busted? Obama working with the IRS the whole time? In 2010 the Koch brothers asked the WH how in the hell it got its [sic] tax returns.
…Holden claims that the revelation of tax information could have been improper, depending on how the information was obtained by the White House:
“I’m not accusing any one of any illegal conduct. But it’s my understanding that under federal law, tax information, is confidential and it’s not to be disclosed or obtained by individuals except under limited circumstances. … I don’t know what [the senior administration official] was referring to. I’m not sure what he’s saying. I’m not sure what information he has. But if he got this information–confidential tax information–under the internal revenue code … if he obtained it in a way that was inappropriate, that would be unlawful. But I don’t know that that’s the case.”
Holden says that to his knowledge the tax status of Koch Industries has not been previously reported in the press…
Soros Gave $6.1 Million to Groups Linked to Pressure on IRS to Target Conservative Nonprofits
As IRS efforts targeting politically-conservative groups gained momentum, George Soros-funded liberal groups repeatedly called on the IRS to investigate conservative nonprofit organizations.
While the first reported instances of extra IRS scrutiny for conservative groups began in Cincinnati in March of 2010, the attacks began to pick up steam on a national level soon after Soros-funded groups began firing off letters to the IRS in October of that year – following the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling…
…The Soros-funded Center for Public Integrity ($2,716,328) published a “study” on 501(c)(4) groups, on October 31, which drew heavily from, and referenced, the CLC and Democracy 21. The Center for Public Integrity has strong media connections and boasts an advisory board that includes Ben Sherwood, president of ABC News, and Michele Norris, an NPR host, as well as a board of directors with such prominent names as Huffington Post CEO Arianna Huffington, Steve Kroft of CBS News’s “60 Minutes” and Craig Newmark (founder of Craigslist)…
Uppdate: IRS as Weapon: History Repeats
The news is electric with stories of Obama’s IRS targeting Tea Party and conservative groups, and his harassment of news organizations. This is nothing new and did not begin with Richard Nixon.
The 1930s saw the country in the grips of an economic collapse the likes of which it had never seen. With millions of Americans out of work and starving, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his Democratically-controlled Congress began an unprecedented expansion of federal power, determined not to let – as was said years later – “a crisis go to waste.” And FDR used federal power to secure his own.
The great legacy of Roosevelt’s Progressive policies is that they condemned America to repeat its evils under Republican and Democratic administrations, magnifying in malevolence at every appearance…