by Robert Stacy McCain
December 19, 2009
As Smitty mentioned, the Nebraska Democrat caved overnight:
Sen. Ben Nelson (Neb.), the final Democratic holdout on health care, was prepared to announce to his caucus Saturday morning that he would support the Senate reform bill, clearing the way for final passage by Christmas.
“We’re there,” said Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), as he headed into a special meeting to announce the deal. . . .
Michelle Malkin reports the morning press conference:
Nelson announces support at press conference. Says he is satisfied by abortion language. He reads a perfunctory statement praising Reid and White House, then says with the most passion in his voice: “I reserve the right to vote against the next cloture vote if there are material changes” made in conference.
UPDATE: Dan Riehl points out the most important consideration: “What’s in it for Ben?” His vote was bought, which may be the first time the phrase “thirty pieces of silver” has appeared in federal legislation.
More here.