Benghazi-gate Enters New Phase: The Cover Up of the Cover Up

John Nolte
Big Peace

It now looks as though the White House’s excuse for the pre-election Libya cover-up is itself a cover up. Last week we were told by the Administration (and the compliant media) that during her now-infamous round robin of five Sunday news shows, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice was only telling us what she was told by the intelligence community. We were also told that references to al-Qaeda were edited out of the talking points in order to avoid tipping off the attackers that we were on to them. According to a number of CBS News’ sources, this simply isn’t true…

…At first glance, Rice’s comments might not appear to move the ball, but they do tell us that the Administration has found its defense and intends to stick to it — that defense being that Rice was only parroting the false information she was given. But now, thanks to some good reporting from CBS News, we know things weren’t that simple…

…Everything goes back to the motive for this cover up, which, apparently, was to run out the clock to Election Day with a Narrative meant to hide the fact that on Obama’s watch there was a successful terror attack that resulted in the murder of an American ambassador and three other Americans. And let’s also not forget that just a few days before the attack at his nominating convention, Obama bragged before the whole world that “al-Qaeda is on the path to defeat.”

The American people understand that deception is sometimes necessary in the name of national security. But no one believes that’s the case here.

This cover up, which the media has happily become a co-conspirator in, was only about winning Obama a second term.

And now the cover up of the cover up is in full swing.

Read the complete article at Big Peace.


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