Caddell: I Have Never Seen A President Occupying Himself In His Own Fantasy World

Tammy Bruce

I love Pat Caddell, a clear-thinking Democrat. Here he is, once again, proving being a liberal doesn’t mean you can’t speak the truth…

PAT CADDELL, FMR. DEMOCRATIC POLLSTER: When I watched the State of the Union address at the end when the president talked about how people shouldn’t demonize the other side and how you shouldn’t be fundraising all the time. It dawned on me that this man in his own bizarre world. Look, we’ve had presidents who were competent or incompetent. We’ve had presidents who have been manipulative or open. I have never seen a president occupying himself in his own fantasy world in the twilight zone…

…We have four-star generals and admirals saying why this is a mistake and I’m waiting for someone, particularly the Iranian things coming up — as a Democrat I want someone, I don’t care if it’s Bill Clinton, I don’t care if it’s [Senator] Bob Menendez, somebody needs to go to the White House and tell the president what time of day it is…



The entire article, with video, is at


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