“It appears as if the law was not complied with in that he did not apply for a waiver [and] Congress was not notified, which is also required. It does not appear that either the letter or the spirit of the law was complied with.”
Joel Gehrke
The Washington Examiner
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told Congress today to expect more members of designated foreign terrorist organizations to visit the United States.
“I think you are right in pointing out that as we move forward we are going to continue to have visitors to this country that the State Department and others feel are useful to bring to the country to have discussions moving forward who say they are members of the political party that in the past have been so designated,” Napolitano told House Homeland Security Committee chairman Pete King, R-N.Y. during a committee hearing this morning.
Napolitano was defending the decision to host Hani Nour Eldin — a member of Egyptian parliament elected on the political party platform of the Islamic Group, which the State Department has designated as foreign terrorist organization — at the White House…
H/T Weasel Zippers.
This really is stunning. Mark Levin reads from a report by NPR today that said the FBI is investigating over 100 cases of suspected Muslim extremists in our military, whether it be the Department of Defense or active military, with over 12 of them considered to be serious cases. Levin rightly points out that this underscores the questions raised by Michele Bachmann, Louie Gohmert, and the other 3 Republicans about the Muslim Brotherhood and this administration. And yet Republican leadership acts as though Bachmann is acting crazy.