Domestic terrorist, radical educator, Bill Ayers, to retire

CAJ note: when we first read this last week we wondered whether this meant Ayers will retire like Andy Stern “retired” from SEIU to sit on the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board? Perhaps retired Professor Ayers will be joining his lovely wife on her cruises aboard the Gaza “Peace” Flotillas?…

Breaking! Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers To Retire
Founding Bloggers

Chicago Breaking News is reporting that domestic terrorist, Marxist, and unofficial Obama advisor, Bill Ayers, is retiring from his position of indoctrination of America’s youth.

Vietnam-era radical Bill Ayers to retire from UIC

No mention in the article about how Bill used to like to try to kill pigs and blow people up. Just this little kiss off:

Ayers’ retirement had nothing to do with the negative press, Chou said, adding that the university will miss him.

“It will be more than a ripple because he’s made a significant mark here,” Chou said. “He’s been really a very good colleague here. He has hundreds of students who really cherish that they’ve had the experience of being taught by him.”

Ol Billy has left his mark before.

Read also Bill Ayers, Unrepentant Domestic Terrorist, Announces Retirement From University of Illinois at Chicago at American Power.

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