Fraud Discovery Institute Rebuts Congressman’s Charges against Glenn Beck Sponsor

by mustango
Red State

The Fraud Discovery Institute, a investigative group founded by Barry Minkow and Sam E. Antar, has published a report containing a very thorough rebuttal of charges made against Goldline Inc., a sponsor of Fox News’s Glenn Beck Show, by Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY).

This is notable for several reasons. For one thing, FDI’s usual modus operandi is uncovering corporate fraud, rather than defending corporations against charges of fraud, which makes their doing the latter here all the more significant. Furthermore, as Antar himself states in his blog entry on the report, he is a lifelong Democrat and as such no fan of Glenn Beck, yet he is here nevertheless willing to call out a congressman from his own party for making a false, politically-motivated accusation.

Antar, who was convicted of a felony for his role in the Crazy Eddie fraud, helped established FDI as a effort at atonement for his past.

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