Is anyone surprised the WI election appears to have been riddled with voter fraud?

7 April 2011

I mean…really? It’s Progressive-Union-Communist-Socialist Wisconsin. If you live in one of these very liberal states yourself, you know exactly what to expect, unfortunately. It’s not unimaginable to us that bags of ballots from a district leaning towards Judge Prosser are locked in someone’s car just over the state line, never to be counted. Somehow, however many votes Joanne Kloppenburg needs in order to prevail, they will be “found”…

At GatewayPundit:

Report: 500 Votes Found in Waukesha County Wisconsin …Update: It’s 500-600 Votes

This comes from a trusted source in Wisconsin:
Local precinct officials have reportedly found 500 votes in Waukesha County Wisconsin. Officials believe they have found 500 ballots in a county that voted 73% for Prosser.

Far left contender Joanne Kloppenburg currently leads the race by 204 votes over Justice David Prosser…

…A Wisconsin reader sent this in:

Vicki McKenna (radio host) in Madison/Milwaukee is gathering information on widespread voter fraud/tampering in Wisconsin Supreme Court election.

Vicki took several calls today on her program from voters who described many voting discrepancies, disenfranchisement, ballot shredding, UW students voting more than once, etc. We cannot trust that the mainstream media will pick up on this, so I’d be grateful for your help…

Follow the GatewayPundit link to read Jim’s complete post.

Da Techguy has links and plenty of ’em:

I’m shocked shocked to see voter fraud in Wisconsin…

…You might remember yesterday I said this about the precincts not reporting:

Two of them in Milwaukee and 8 in Salk. In my opinion (and likely the opinion of most of the right) at this moment people are counting how many votes Kloppenburg needs to win and deciding how to report their figures so the numbers will look credible.

It is a painful thing for Wisconsin that I am saying this, but it’s more painful that the state has reached the point where I suspect everyone is actually thinking this…

And don’t worry the Police have your back when it comes to preventing Voter Fraud right?

Two witnesses confirmed that a Police Officer who reported to address the incident apparently refused to deal with the protesters initially. Jessica Schmidt, Grafton Town Clerk, and another witness heard the officer say, “I used to be a conservative but I’m not anymore.” Apparently, this behavior was a result of the recent debate over union rights that has consumed Wisconsin. The officer then walked outside and without addressing the issues presented by the protesters and refused to do his job, allowing the intimidation to continue. The officer’s behavior was apparently upsetting enough that an elderly poll worker was shaking immediately following the incident and needed to be calmed down by a nurse that was present at the polling place.

That members of the Wisconsin police have thrown away the biggest difference between America and third world dictatorships over this issue is disgraceful…

…This is it for Wisconsin, if the voters of this state allow this without protest then frankly they deserve exactly what they get…

Read the whole thing.

At JustOneMinute, there’s a link worth reading called Madison Madness.

Law professor William Jacobson has a great post, Lessons of Wisconsin Supreme Court Election:

…Conservatives were complacent, but are motivated now. Consider the Wisconsin Supreme Court election the wake up call for the majority which grew complacent after November. Conservatives around the country need to understand that nothing can be taken for granted….

Cops violating their oath to the Constitution? Great. So, the voters of the state probably shouldn’t wait for their Secretary of State to do the right thing. Over the recent weeks, he’s proven himself to be a union shill, too. And the U.S. Department of Justice? Are you kidding?

Good luck, Wisconsin and Judge Prosser. And au revoir, America, as we slope towards becoming a third-world corruptocracy.

Update: weighs in, Election fraud in Wisconsin?

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