“…every contracting department and agency shall require all entities submitting offers for federal contracts to disclose certain political contributions and expenditures they have made within two years prior to the submission of their offer.”
Jed Babbin
The American Spectator
On matters of war and peace, President Obama likes to lead from behind. On matters domestic, he’s content to subcontract grand ideas to congressional Democrats in order that they wreak havoc on our economy. But there’s one topic on which Obama stands second to none: campaign fundraising.
First, he condemned those who gave undisclosed political contributions. Next, he is taking steps to corrupt the federal contracting process and then he turned a blind eye to his former staffers’ creating the means to gather and flow those same undisclosed contributions to his campaign.
First, he condemned those who gave undisclosed political contributions. Next, he is taking steps to corrupt the federal contracting process and then he turned a blind eye to his former staffers’ creating the means to gather and flow those same undisclosed contributions to his campaign…
…Only a few weeks before last November’s election, Obama — campaigning in Delaware — said of the undisclosed donors, “They don’t have the courage to stand up and disclose their identities. They could be insurance companies or Wall Street banks or even foreign-owned corporations. We will not know because there’s no disclosure.” He added, “But this isn’t just a threat to the Democrats: It’s a threat to our democracy.”…
…Now, Obama is considering an Executive Order the effect of which would reverse Citizens United in part, and, entirely, corrupt the federal contracting process…
Read the complete article at The American Spectator.