A few days ago we reported on the White House’s call for informants. That is when we learned the White House had posted a notice on its website asking citizens to report emails and contact information of those who might be expressing disparaging opinions about the President’s health care plan even in “casual conversation.” Since first learning about this chilling request we’re heard the excellent Judge Andrew Napolitano explain why this gathering of private information by the White House is illegal AND that it is also illegal for them to discard the informative emails once they’ve received them. So Robert Gibb was either mistaken or lying when he told reporters this week that the White House had no intention of keeping or using the information. By law, the judge explained, they must preserve all of it, anything that is emailed to the White House or written on its website.
Since the news of the request for “fishy” information was released members of Twitter have been sending emails to the White House, reporting themselves by writing to express what they object to in the President’s plans for health care, and in his other social engineering programs. When the President, other high-ranking members of our government, and media like the New York Times described citizens at Town Hall meetings as “mobs” the hashtag #iamthemob swept Twitter and Facebook, as a show of solidarity for these rightfully angry and exasperated Americans whose voices are being ignored by their elected officials. At Common American Journal we have not seen this kind of outpouring of frustration and outrage from so many of our fellow citizens in America since the Viet Nam War, and The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in Great Britain.
The rhetoric and action by liberals against these Americans is escalating. New video released from Politico.com of a rally last night for Virginia’s Democratic candidate for governor shows President Barack Obama telling supporters there: “I don’t want the folks who created the mess doing a lot of talking. I want them to just get out of the way so we can clean up the mess.” And various media outlets are reporting that David Axelrod, Jim Messina, and Rahm Emanuel have called upon ACORN, SEIU, and other supportive groups to attend these Town Hall meetings and Tea Parties and “punch back twice as hard.”
Is the the work of a unifying Presidency? Is this the “hope” his supporters voted for?
The President and Congress likely have enough votes to pass this health care reform bill on Monday morning if they choose. We have our own theories about why they are determined to bring as many votes onboard as possible. But what this debate has done, in our very humble opinion, is to expose how 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has become just another precinct of the city of Chicago’s forceful Democratic Party’s machine.
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