Ideology: Confirming the 2014 election zeitgeist, a new Gallup poll finds that Americans are fed up with ever-encroaching, corrupt and incompetent government, as represented by ObamaCare and other federal policies.
For the first time since Gallup has conducted polling, people say that the “biggest problem” in America is “the government.” It topped all other categories, including terrorism. “2014 was the first year ever in Gallup records that dissatisfaction with government topped the list,” the 80-year-old firm said. “Government includes dissatisfaction with President Obama.”
And angst over government has been climbing each year since 2009, when Obama took office, breaking a long period of relative satisfaction with government.
If this doesn’t repudiate Obama’s government-is-the-answer agenda and his collectivist creed that we must all be our “brother’s keeper,” we don’t know what does…
The editorial continues at Investors.com
Update: At Gallup: Americans Losing Confidence in All Branches of U.S. Gov’t