S.C. Senator Jim DeMint forces U.S. change on Honduras stance on elections

DeMint and Honduran Democracy 1 – Obama Administration 0
Clarice Feldman
American Thinker
November 15, 2009

In a victory for democracy in Honduras and common sense in foreign affairs, the Administration has backed off its insistence that Zelaya be returned to power:

Sen. Jim DeMint, a South Carolina Republican known for his efforts to block influence domestic immigration and health-care issues, has scored a foreign-policy coup by helping to compel the Obama administration to shift its stance on strife-ridden Honduras.

After demanding for months that deposed Honduran President Mel Zelaya be restored to power, senior State Department officials now say they’ll accept the outcome of Nov. 29 elections in the Central American country even if Zelaya doesn’t reclaim his post.

“We support the elections process there,” State Department spokesman Ian Kelly said Thursday. “We have provided technical assistance. … These elections will be important to restoring Democratic and constitutional order in Honduras.”

h/t: Lucianne.com

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