Senators send letter to FBI demanding explanation of Dinesh D’Souza indictment

Tom Tillison
BizPac Review

Ardent Obama critic Dinesh D’Souza believes he’s become “vulnerable” to governmental harassment because of his film, “2016: Obama’s America,“ the conservative author and filmmaker told Fox News host Megyn Kelly on Friday.

In January, D’Souza was arrested on campaign finance fraud charges – just months after the release of the unflattering documentary on President Obama’s political background.

“I am a public critic of the president, and I do recognize that this has made me, to some degree, vulnerable to some forms of counter-attack,” D’Souza told Kelly, adding that the film’s director, Gerald Molen, was “contacted rather coincidentally by the IRS” after the film came out.

Concerned about D’Souza’s civil rights, four Republican senators sent a letter to the FBI on the filmmaker’s behalf…



The article continues, with video, at BizPac Review.



Letter to FBI Director Comey Regarding Dinesh D’Souza



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