by John Stossel
November 23, 2009
I wrote last week that Eagle Scout Kevin Anderson spent more than 200 hours clearing a walking path in a local park. Kevin hoped to earn an Eagle Scout badge while doing something good for the community.
Such efforts by volunteers are one of the best parts of America. Unfortunately , Nick Balzano, President of the local SEIU, the Service Employees International Union, said kids like Kevin take their jobs — and that can’t stand. Balzano threatened to file a grievance against the city for allowing the scout to clear the path.
“We’ll be looking into the Cub Scout or Boy Scout who did the trails,” Balzano told the council…
Balzano said “there’s to be no volunteers.” No one except union members may pick up a hoe or shovel, plant a flower or clear a walking path.
That was before Glenn Beck and others called attention to the story.
Three days of taking body blows nationally from conservative pundits, a rebuke from the Lehigh Valley’s congressman and even a lashing from his own union led Balzano to voluntarily resign his position Thursday as head of the local Service Employees International Union.
Balzano said he and seven other executive officers of the local SEIU stepped down.
A rare victory against union thuggery.