That Obama Donations Story Just Got a Lot More Serious

Dan Collins
Conservative Commune

Since last Thursday night, there’s been a lot of buzz about a big story on hinky Obama campaign contributions. In 2008, you may recall, Obama’s online fundraising was aided by deliberately turning off the verification mechanisms that help confirm a donor is who he says he is. Among the charges at the time were allegations that foreign donors were illegally permitted to make campaign contributions. By law, that’s obviously illegal, and any single contribution exceeding $200 has to be reported by a campaign along with identifying information, but although it is recommended that campaigns also keep tabs on donations between $50 and $200, there was no attempt by Obama’s campaign to do so, for the simple reason that Obama intended to campaign as he governs, but getting away with as much as the MSM lapdogs and his thuggish political operatives could enable. There was nothing to prevent overseas donors from making multiple smallish contributions, and skirting the reporting requirements thereby.

Yesterday, Michelle Malkin revisited the background on 2008 in anticipation of the drop, and today Peter Schweizer’s Government Accountability Institute released it’s report on Obama’s foreign money, and how much of it is gathered by a mega-bundler, Robert Roche, who lives in Shanghai and who has close associations with the Chinese state-controlled banking system, and who hosts and operates the domain.

It gets worse, though…

The article continues at Conservative Commune.

Related: Other than O campaign solicitation letters,the website is in Chinese characters.

Foreign Donations Report Could Pressure Congress to Close Campaign Finance Loopholes

And more fraud, Public School Lets Only Democrats Register Students to Vote

Florida Republicans are outraged after a school district allowed a pro-Obama organization to conduct student voter registration drives and deliver speeches to classes – but denied the Romney campaign similar opportunities…


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