White House Fears ‘President Cruz’ Will Overturn Exec Amnesty

Tony Lee
Big Government
19 Dec 2014

White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer conceded that he fears a President Ted Cruz will overturn President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty, perhaps signaling that Cruz represents the greatest threat to the progressive left.

“Our first 100 days we spent a lot of time signing executive orders undoing what [President George W.] Bush did, and I would like not to be sitting on a beach somewhere reading about President [Ted] Cruz doing that to us, so it’s very important to us,” Pfeiffer told the Wall Street Journal on Friday.

Earlier in the day, Pfeiffer declared that Obama’s executive amnesty was one of the reasons that made 2014 a “year of great progress” for the “progressive agenda.” He told theJournal that from the “perspective of advancing our agenda through our pen and our phone, this has been a tremendously successful year.”…



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