‘Why don’t we call RFK’s assassination Palestinian terrorism?’

Well, I always do…

Kathy Shaidle
Five Feet of Fury

…the assassination occurred on the Six-Day War’s first anniversary. Nevertheless, the post-mortems emphasized the plague of violence in general, the availability of guns in particular, and the chaos that seemed to be threatening America…

…The hyper-critical discourse of the time made it easier to blame America’s flaws for the RFK assassination and to fit it into a narrative of Sixties dysfunction than to acknowledge that this history-altering crime was a foreign phenomenon imported into America by a deranged immigrant.

Read the whole thing at Five Feet of Fury.


Related:   Remembering Bobby Kennedy and Missing Great Oratory

…“What is objectionable, what is dangerous about extremists, is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents.”…

…Greg then reminded me of RFK’s particular grace and gift for speaking “off the cuff”, that it was Kennedy’s remarks to the campaign crowds immediately upon the murder of Martin Luther King that quite possibly prevented rioting, bloodshed and more tragedy. I re-read the speech and had to marvel, after wiping my eyes…


Another thoughtful essay by The Anchoress.


UpdateSix Fateful Days that Shook the World


Update 2: 46 Years Ago Today – Western Wall liberated from illegal Jordanian occupation



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