Your tax dollars at work: ‘Partnership for Sustainable Communities’

3 March 2012

“By working together, [HUD, DOT, and EPA] can make sure that when it comes to development—housing, transportation, energy efficiency—these things aren’t mutually exclusive; they go hand in hand. And that means making sure that affordable housing exists in close proximity to jobs and transportation. That means encouraging shorter travel times and lower […]

The Biggest Obstacle: Record Shadow Housing Inventory, and How Obama May Have Just Popped the Consumer Spending Bubble

Tyler Durden ZeroHedge 2/9/2012

While today’s foreclosure settlement deal is by some accounts expected to help the housing market, as the foreclosure pipeline is once again unclogged, it is unclear what this will actually do for price discovery and clearing levels when one considers the already untenable shadow housing inventory, which can be summarized simply […]

Bank of America Must Pay Excess Settlement Funds To Acorn Clones

Paul Sperry Investor’s Business Daily 1/4/2012

Bank of America (BAC) must turn over excess funds from a record $335 million discrimination fine to community organizing groups. Critics say it’s a “political backdoor” to subsidize Democrat-tied Acorn “clones.”

The unusual mandate is buried in a Justice Department filing last month detailing settlement terms with the nation’s […]

Lehigh Valley gets $3.4 million grant to promote sustainable development

Tom Zanki The Express-Time via 11/21/2011

The federal government has awarded $3.4 million to the Lehigh Valley aimed at making the area more affordable by reducing housing and transportation costs.

The Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corp., the lead agency among a consortium of regional organizations and cities that sought the funding, announced the grant […]

Obama’s ‘Jobs Bill’ Makes ACORN Eligible for $15 Billion in Taxpayer Money

The community organizing pigs again line up to feast at the taxpayers’ trough.

Matthew Vadum Pajamas Media 9/15/2011

ACORN and other radical left-wing groups would be eligible for up to $15 billion in federal funding if President Obama’s new economic stimulus package becomes law.

Now that public polling shows Americans are realizing that economic stimulus […]

President Obama’s New Plan to Decide Where Americans Live and How They Travel

Ronald Utt, Ph.D. 4/14/2009

President Barack Obama’s early comments on his opposition to suburban sprawl and his intention to alter the way Americans live and travel took a step closer to reality when he created an interdepartmental initiative on housing and transportation costs. [1] A March press release issued by the U.S. Department of […]
