Mark Levin, Sarah Palin talk with Sean Hannity about Obama scandals, Republicans in DC, more

WATCH: Mark Levin talks to Hannity about Obama scandals, Republicans in DC, and more…

The Right Scoop 5/28/2014

Mark Levin gave a great interview on Hannity tonight discussing both Obama from his speech today, his scandals, and the problem with Republicans in Washington and why we need to take over the Republican Party…



Malkin shreds Jeb Bush, Common Core and ‘John Dewey/Saul Alinsky-marinated progressives’

Kyle Olson 4/30/2014

…“And who are the people behind these efforts to usurp local control and sovereignty, to trample parental rights, to invade student privacy, and to undermine basic constitutional principles? Chamber of Commerce types, Republican Party types, Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, the Establishment — they’re just a facade for the people who are […]

Israeli lab develops blood test to detect breast cancer

US-based company with R&D branch near Jerusalem invents new technology to identify tumors rapidly, accurately and without radiation

Yifa Yaakov The Times of Israel 5/1/2014

A Miami-based medical technology company with an R&D subsidiary in Moshav Ora, near Jerusalem, has developed an easy, non-invasive method to detect breast cancer early on – using a simple […]

HHS Started Obamacare Applications for Americans Without Their Knowledge or Permission

Jim Hoft The Gateway Pundit 4/4/2014

How do you get from 5 million Obamacare enrollees to 7.1 million Obamacare enrollees in two weeks?

You start the applications yourself.

Health and Human Services was mailing out letters notifying certain Americans that they had already started a healthcare coverage application on their behalf.

HHS had started the […]

Republican David Jolly beats Alex Sink in Florida special election 3/11/2014

Republican David Jolly narrowly defeated Democrat Alex Sink on Tuesday in a Tampa-area House race largely seen as a critical test for ObamaCare.

With nearly 100 percent of the vote counted, Jolly had 48.5 percent of the vote to Sink’s 46.7 percent. Libertarian Lucas Overby had 4.8 percent.

The race to replace the […]

Bolting De Blasio: The Exodus Begins

Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs 3/4/2014

And so it begins: De Blasio’s war on the producers has triggered a mass exodus form the city. 5,000 very wealthy families paid 30 percent of the city’s income tax. Losing even a few of them means significantly less money for filling potholes and hiring cops. That’s who this clown […]
