Peter Schiff: We Will Never Pay It Back, We Can't Pay It Back, That's Why We Raise The Debt Ceiling!

Foxmuldar 12/11/2012


H/T Blazing Cat Fur

Related: Steny Hoyer: The Debt Limit ‘Is Not Real’

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Tuesday that the debt limit is “not real” and should not be part of any negotiations to avert the fiscal cliff.

“First of all, I again would urge the Speaker not […]

Wall Street in Multi-Day Retreat

Adam Samson Fox Business 11/8/2012

The markets took heavy losses for a second day in a row Thursday in a broad-based retreat late in the session. Every major sector closed to the downside.

Today’s Markets

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 121 points, or 0.94%, to 12811, the S&P 500 dipped 17 points, or 1.2%, […]

‘Bernanke has donated billions to re-elect Obama as he inflicts out-of-control inflation on average Americans’

That is the headline this morning at The Astute Bloggers.

The Astute Bloggers 9/14/2012





…But the stock market–with the lowest participation by middle class people in decades–in going way, way, way up.

While the dollar is down…

Read the […]

EPA actions at mine could hurt $220 billion in investments

Michael Bastasch The Daily Caller 8/16/2012

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) preemptive assessment of the Pebble Mine in Alaska could have a “chilling effect” on $220 billion in investments, according to the Brattle Group, an economic and financial consulting firm.

In May, the EPA released its watershed assessment of large-scale mining by Pebble LP at […]

Former Obama Adviser Takes the Fifth

Former trade adviser and Democratic donor allegedly involved in an illicit gold deal

Adam Kredo The Washington Free Beacon 8/14/2012

A former Obama administration trade adviser accused of plotting to purchase $10 million in gold from a Congolese warlord refused to detail his role in the illegal plot, invoking the Fifth Amendment more than 100 […]

Schiff: Upcoming Recession Worse Than 2008

Euro Pacific Capital’s Peter Schiff argues that quantitative easing is “toxic” for the economy

Stuart Varney FoxBusiness 6/4/2012

Watch the latest video at

Related: How Would Margaret Thatcher Handle the U.S. Economy? Bianco: Odds of QE3 Increasing Rapidly
