Jeffrey T. Kuhner
World Tribune
President Obama claims he comes from humble origins. “I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Michelle wasn’t, either,” he recently said at a campaign rally in Ohio.
Mr. Obama’s obvious target was Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. The president hopes to contrast his supposed average background with the former Massachusetts governor’s vast wealth. The political strategy is to portray Mr. Romney as an out-of-touch scion who does not understand the problems of ordinary Americans. According to Democrats, he is too wealthy, too successful and too elitist to be able to relate to working- and middle-class citizens. In short, Mr. Obama is resorting to envy and crass class warfare in order to smear Mr. Romney…
…what about Mr. Obama? Are his autobiographical claims true? Is he the product of poverty or a low-income environment? No. In fact, he is also the progeny of privilege — and for him to claim otherwise is false.
Mr. Obama was raised by his white grandparents in a middle-class home in Hawaii. He did not come from the streets or the inner city; rather, he lived in comfort and material well-being. Every avenue was opened for him. Moreover, he attended the finest schools — Harvard, Columbia — based not on merit, but affirmative action. He admitted as much in an interview after being made president of the Harvard Law Review. It also explains why his college records remain sealed. They will show what everyone knows: He was a mediocre student who benefitted from racial quotas. In short, he was spoon-fed throughout much of his life…
Read the complete article at World Tribune.
Related: Coulter: Obama’s silver spoon was ‘an affirmative action silver spoon’