Did Michelle Obama not see the irony in delivering a speech on female emancipation to a school full of girls in headscarves in the Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets?

And is this the face Britain wants to show the world?


Michelle Obama paid visit to the Mulberry School for Girls, Tower Hamlets More than 90% of pupils are Muslim from mainly Bangladeshi background And majority have no option but to wear headscarves and long robes But still it was chosen as the site […]

Denzel Washington's Dillard Commencement Address

‘Put God First in Everything You Do’

Durell Jacque YouTube 5/9/2015

  . .  

  Related: Alfonzo Rachel​: Does Michelle Obama Only Represent the Black Community? (video)

Michelle Obama tells college graduates that people will look past their accomplishments and will only see the color of their skin.


  Update: Matthew McConaughey […]

Obama’s ex-Ebola czar warns of other danger: too much government growth

Michael Dorstewitz BizPac Review 3/23/2015

A Democratic operative and former Obama Ebola czar made a stunning admission in a magazine column published Sunday — that government is getting too big, and federal regulations pose a hindrance to growth.

“Recent developments in Washington, especially the Obama administration’s greater desire to flex its regulatory muscles in several […]

Another Government Diet Disaster In The Making

Terry Jones Investors.com 2/20/2015

From the same people who brought you four decades of increasing obesity based on their nutritional “science,” comes new guidelines that include taxes on dessert, plant-based diets, demonization of meat and electronic monitoring of your habits.

Never fear, the food police are here.

This list of intrusive, big-government insanity is brought […]

Michelle puts Saudis in their place. GOOD



Don Surber The Scorekeeper 1/28/2015

For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of Michelle Obama…

…You respect the local custom out of courtesy to the lands you visit. But the House of Saud deserves no respect. It is an extremist Muslim country that beheads people who do not […]

'Origami' condoms, Michelle Obama gardening games and poop-throwing chimps: NIH spent millions on wacky projects but now complains cuts killed off Ebola vaccine research

The NIH budget included $2.4 million for a new condom design whose inventor is now being investigated for fraud Another $939,000 taught scientists that male fruit flies prefer younger females $257,000 went to create a companion website for first lady Michelle Obama’s White House garden It cost $592,000 to determine that chimpanzees with the […]
