‘That’s a double dose of Awesome.’

Commenter Jaibones on May 31, 2012 at 8:49 PM

Video: Famous Chicago political organizer … outorganized?; Update: Romney holds surprise presser of his own outside Solyndra

Ed Morrissey

This sums up perfectly the first month of the general election campaign.  The team with the community-organizing experience thought they could secretly arrange a rally in their opponent’s home state to attack his record as governor, led by the chief organizing genius of the campaign.  David Axelrod got a large, unpleasant lesson in Chapter One of This Ain’t 2008 Any More:

Loud and rowdy supporters of Mitt Romney in Boston drowned out an attempt by President Obama campaign’s top strategist to attack the former Republican governor on his home turf.

In a morning news conference on the steps of the Massachusetts Statehouse, David Axelrod, one of Mr. Obama’s senior strategists, tried mostly in vain on Thursday to level Mr. Obama’s latest broadside on Mr. Romney’s record as governor of the state.

Instead, he was booed, heckled and chanted down by supporters of Mr. Romney who refused to let up even for a moment as Mr. Axelrod and Democratic state lawmakers sought to make their case…

Update: Wow … this just gets better and better.  Here’s where Mitt Romney was while Axelrod was cleaning the egg off of his face:

ABC News covered the surprise press conference outside the shuttered Solyndra plant:

Mitt Romney arrived at the shuttered headquarters of Solyndra Inc. this morning, a surprise visit that was shrouded in secrecy and part of the presumptive GOP presidential candidate’s attack on President Obama’s record on jobs creation.

“The reason for keeping it quiet is because we knew if word got out that Solyndra would do everything in their power and the Obama administration would do everything in their power to stop us from having this news conference,” an aide said in a briefing en route. “But taxpayers made a substantial investment in Solyndra, there are serious questions about what happened at Solyndra, why that investment was selected, what happened to that money.”…

The complete article, with two videos of Axelrod in Boston, is at HotAir.com

H/T Marooned in Marin

…This is what it’s going to take to beat Obama, and for one who did not favor the idea of him being the GOP nominee, Romney is really beginning to earn my respect for hitting this hard.

Update: Axelrod Rattled, Mitt’s on a Roll at BackyardConservative


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