'Special Report' on the Obama Team’s Evolving Stories on the Benghazi, Libya U.S. Consulate Terrorist Attack

Freedom’s Lighthouse

Here is a Fox News “Special Report” segment from last night that goes into detail on the Obama Administration’s evolving story on what happened in Benghazi, Libya with the attack on the U.S. Consulate there that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

This is an outstanding report, that gives you the timeline of events, from before the events of September 11, 2012, up to the present. We now know that President Obama knew within 24 hours of the attack it was a terrorist attack, but flew off to Las Vegas for a fundraiser anyway the day it was known that Chris Stevens had been killed. The timeline shows that for days after they knew it was a terrorist attack, Barack Obama and his administration officials kept pushing the idea it was a “spontaneous riot” caused by an anti-Islamic video. Barack Obama himself was still pushing that idea on September 18 on the David Letterman Show. He even insinuated that this week in his United Nations speech, not even using the word “terrorist” or “terrorism” during his address.

This is a mess, and it appears Barack Obama is hiding something. He and his administration is desperately trying to muddy the waters as much as possible, with some officials saying one thing and others something else. Obama is avoiding talking about it directly, and the liberal media is letting him get away with it — so far. They clearly want to push dealing with all this past the election, and if the media does not ask Obama about it in the upcoming Presidential Debates, Mitt Romney has to find a way to bring it up.

We are talking about a terrorist attack on the United States on September 11 that killed four Americans – the first U.S. Ambassador killed since 1979. Barack Obama has a responsibility to come clean about what happened and why his administration pushed a false narrative about the attack for so long. Let’s hope he is pushed to give those answers before November 6.

Watch the video at Freedom’s Lighthouse.

Related: Rep Peter King: Obama’s Benghazi Cover-Up Was For Electoral Politics

“Either Ambassador Rice was deliberately misleading the American people or she showed and demonstrated such a lack of knowledge and sophistication that she shouldn’t hold that position anymore. The entire administration has handled this wrong from the start. They’ve misinformed the American people, misinformed the world. And, she was their spokeswoman. She showed such a lack of knowledge and sophistication that she shouldn’t hold that position anymore… Virtually everything she said was wrong.” …

Why Is Joe Scarborough Ignoring Obama’s Libya Scandal?

Peter King Calls for Susan Rice’s Resignation

CNBC’s Larry Kudlow & Ann Coulter Discuss the Media Turning a Blind Eye to Obama’s Missteps (Guess how many he’s had in just 2 weeks? Read the list at the link.)


NBC’s Ann Curry Will Not Take the Truth for an Answer from Libya’s President

…Why the cover-up? To obscure the fact the administration armed these people (circumventing Congress) that killed our US Ambassador and three other Americans in a pre-planned 9/11 anniversary attack. And by the way, I don’t know much at all about the guy and his agenda but I seriously question the Libyan president’s longevity in that country if he is standing in opposition to these terrorist groups.

Update: Chris Christie not really into the whole ‘downplaying debate expectations’ game. Time to start struttin’ our stuff.

Update 2: Pravda was more honest at its zenith than the MSM is. See, in the USSR nobody really believed the propaganda…

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