Bloomberg: The NRA Can Be Beat

NYC mayor reportedly working with WH on gun control plan one Senate Dem has already called ‘way in the extreme’

The Washington Free Beacon

Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I., N.Y.) touting his new gun control initiative said that the NRA has lost political power and can be beat Tuesday morning on MSNBC:

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: There’s reporting you have been in contact with the vice president tasked do something. The president has vowed to try and get legislation through as soon as possible, but there are realities to this.

MICHAEL BLOOMBERG: There are realities. The reality is most Americans think it’s crazy to have assault weapons and high capacity magazines. The vast majority of the people think they should be reasonable. The majority of the Supreme Court justices as well think there should be reasonable controls so you shouldn’t have guns in the hands of minors or criminals or people with psychiatric problems or substance abuse problems. There are some legislators who think differently or they think that their careers would be limited if they go against the NRA. I don’t happen to think that’s true. The NRA was notoriously unsuccessful in this last election term. They set one major priority, and that was to defeat Barack Obama. In a couple weeks you will see an inauguration. Barack Obama is getting inaugurated again. Shows you the power of the NRA. [We] created a little PAC, we went against three members and in our cases the opponents won. We can beat the NRA. All you have to do is accept reasonable restrictions. Nobody is trying to take away your gun or right to go hunting or target shooting or have protection in your home. Simply trying to have reasonable things so people aren’t killed. You saw this woman talking about her 9-year-old daughter. Every parent sits there and thinks, if it was my kid…

The article continues, with video, at The Washington Free Beacon.

Related: ABC Uses Gabby Giffords for Massive Push to Fight ‘Gun Warfare in America’

ABC on Tuesday began a multi-show push to promote the gun control crusade of Gabby Giffords and her husband. Good Morning America’s George Stephanopoulos kicked off the program by trumpeting, “The most famous face affected by gun violence fights back. Gabby Giffords announcing direct action against gun warfare in America.” (Gun warfare? As of 2012, crime is at a 20 year low in America. The murder rate has dropped by almost half.)…

Also, Gawker Publishes List of ‘All the Assholes’ Who Own Guns in NYC

Classy stuff. So now the demonization of law-abiding citizens continues further down a dangerous path. It really appears these people want to provoke more incidents hoping at long last some mass murderer will be discovered to be an NRA or Tea Party member.

Other than that, being assholes themselves appears to be the motive…

Obama/Biden Looking to Get Media On Board the Gun-Control Bandwagon

…Allah’s theory? They’re floating this notion, that they just might come cracking down on Hollywood and Silicon Valley (is that a thing anymore?), in order to mau-mau them into giving them lots of media support for their gun-banning agenda.

In any case of a lunatic killing people with guns to live out his power fantasies, the fantasy industry blames the gun industry and the gun industry blames the fantasy industry. It’s hardly a surprise that Obama will side with the fantasy industry, as he likes them and hates gun owners.

The only knock against the theory is that these people were almost all on Obama’s side in the first place…

Update:  Newspaper gun owner list contains huge inaccuracies

…the data provided by The Journal News, which sparked nationwide outrage, is outdated and contains the names of deceased citizens, those who have moved out of the region, and those who have let their concealed carry licenses lapse.

The news that the information is inaccurate is one more huge problem for the newspaper that is facing mounting woes from its decision to violate the privacy of citizens, including retired and active law enforcement officers and prison guards, and the victims of stalking and domestic abuse…


Cuomo Close To Announcing Sweeping New Gun Control Laws 

…Cuomo’s move comes as Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Gun Violence released a new commercial to push for federal action. It features Roxanna Green, the mother of Christina Taylor-Green, who was killed two years ago Tuesday in the Tucson, Ariz., massacre.

“How many more children must die before Washington does something to end our gun violence problem?” Roxanna Green says during the ad.

It would be quite a coup for Cuomo, a potential 2016 presidential candidate…

Harry Reid Adviser: Dingy “In A Different Place” On Gun Control…

Dingy is wherever Obama tells him to be. Washington (CNN) – A staunch supporter of gun rights for years, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid may be changing his position on the contentious issue in the aftermath of the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut…

Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Group Airing New TV Ad Exploiting Sandy Hook And Tucson Tragedies To Demands New Gun Control Laws…

Update 2Bank of America Reportedly Freezing Gun Manufacturer’s Accounts

You might think that a professional outfit such as Bank of America operated based on stated policy and not caprice. But not according to owner of American Spirit Arms Joe Sirochman…

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