Absentee vote requests strangely down by staggering numbers

Is This Why Military Not Getting Ballots?

Aaron Klein

During one of the most hotly contested elections in recent U.S. history, the number of military absentee ballot requests is strangely down by staggering numbers compared to the 2008 election.

The information comes as WND confirmed today that SCYTL, an international firm headquartered in Spain, has been contracted by seven states to provide secure online ballot delivery for overseas military and civilian voters for the upcoming presidential election…

…The Military Voter Protection Project last week released the results of a study listing the number of requests in key states such as Virginia, where military absentee ballot requests are down 92 percent compared to 2008. In Ohio, only 9,700 absentee ballots have been requested as of late September compared to more than 32,000 in 2008.

Florida so far has 37,953 requested ballots as of last month as opposed to 86,926 in 2008 – a difference of 48,973. North Carolina only has 1,859 requests listed compared to 13,508 in 2008.

Just this week, a Military Times survey of military forces showed Republican nominee Mitt Romney with a 26-percent lead over the president. The Times survey follows an earlier Rasmussen poll that showed a 59 to 35 percent lead for Romney among military service voters…

…last month the Defense Department’s Inspector General reported that the Pentagon was not complying with the 2009 law, citing information that only about half of overseas locations had functioning voter assistance offices…

…As WND reported, in May announced the successful implementation of technology that allows ballots to be cast using Google and Apple smart phones and tablet computers.

SCYTL unveiled a platform that it says encrypts each individual ballot on a voter’s Google or Apple mobile device before the ballot is then transmitted to an electronic voting system…

Read the complete article at WorldNetDaily.

Related: Mitt Romney Tells about Meeting one of the Navy SEALs Who Died in the Terrorist Attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya  

Here is video of Gov. Mitt Romney today delivering a moving tribute to fallen Navy SEAL Glen Doherty, who was killed in the terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Romney told of how he happened to meet Doherty by chance a couple of years ago at a Christmas Party they actually went to by accident, believing it to be a party they had gotten a flyer about in their neighborhood. Romney spoke with emotion about how impressed he was by this young man, and about finding out Doherty had died in the attack. Romney said Doherty had rushed to the Consulate from a safe place across town to render aid when they heard the attack was underway. He praised Doherty as an example of the American Spirit.

Update: Romney won’t tell story of meeting former SEAL killed in Benghazi after SEAL’s mom objects Update: Widow of another SEAL says Romney mention ‘greatest honor’

…Mitt Romney’s campaign said today he will stop citing his meeting with a former Navy Seal killed in last month’s terror attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya after the victim’s mother protested his use of her son’s death.

“He shouldn’t make my son’s death part of his political agenda. It’s wrong to use these brave young men, who wanted freedom for all, to degrade Obama,” said Barbara Doherty, the mother of the slain Navy Seal Glen Doherty.

She added, “I don’t trust Romney.”

You can watch the clip, in which Romney doesn’t use Doherty’s name, and decide if that’s what he was doing, but the campaign is of course right to respect her wishes…

…In comments that have gotten far less coverage, the mother of former SEAL Tyrone Woods, also killed that day in Benghazi, took to her Facebook page to object to the administration’s handling of the investigation of the attack

…the quote Romney should put on his bathroom mirror for inspiration:

“One of the last things my husband said to me before he was killed, when I would ask him, ‘Chris, what do you need over there? What can I send you?’ he said, ‘I need a new president,’” [Jane] Horton recalled…

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