Barack Obama. Sammy Davis, Jr. Mark Block.

25 October 2011


Just like Sissy Willis we can attest, “we’re not smokers but some of our best friends are”:

Two messages: Get the nanny state off my back; Obama lies, smokes & denies.

We can do this. We can take this country back,” says Herman Cain’s chief of staff Mark Block in the Herminator’s controversial new ad.

This morning Professor Jacobson wrote, “Now if he were carrying a rifle too, it might have been the best ever.”

The music? Tea Parties around the nation use it as their anthem. And so does Herman’s campaign.

Related: Meanwhile, news of the MSM’s Republican of Choice. Romney Refuses to Back Governor Kasich Against Government Unions:

…If Romney can’t endorse this common sense reform at the state level, why should conservatives believe he will fight against government unions at the federal level… has details and video.

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