Limits to Growth
The Golden State remains #1 in a most unfortunate category: poverty. Democrat regulatory policies strangling business certainly cause a lot of joblessness which keeps millions poor. Plus, the purposeful admission of millions immigrants and illegal aliens is a tremendous poverty driver.
California is particularly welcoming to illegal aliens. Democrat Governor Jerry Brown reportedly told a room full of Mexicans in August that they are “all welcome in California.”
In addition, California is sanctuary state (bad for public safety), is introducing drivers licenses for illegal aliens in January (at a cost of at least $141 million to the state) and offers in-state college tuition for illegal aliens. The state also provides financial aid for illegal alien students, 20,000 of whom pursued it last year. That’s 20,000 college slots taken by foreigners that are then unavailable for citizen students.
What a magnet.
All this liberal generosity is expensive, as calculated by the Federation for American Immigration Reform…
The article continues at Limits to Growth.