Ex-NFL star Brian Holloway may be sued by parents of teens who allegedly trashed his upstate NY home

Several parents are reportedly considering lawsuits against the former Patriots and Raiders offensive lineman after he posted their children’s names on a website created in the wake of the Labor Day weekend house party.


Jaime Uribarri
The New York Daily News

If Brian Holloway thought the hundreds of teenagers who destroyed his home were ruthless, wait until their families are through with him.

Several parents are reportedly considering lawsuits against the former NFL star after he posted their children’s names on a website created in the wake of the Labor Day weekend house party.

The website, www.helpmesave300.com, identifies over 100 of the estimated 300 house-crashers who trashed his upstate New York residence, and includes photos and tweets that documented the reckless destruction.

But rather than apologize to Holloway for their children’s behavior, some parents have contacted their lawyers to see what legal action they can take against the former Patriots and Raiders offensive lineman, local affiliate ABC News 10 reported.


Holloway estimates the damage of his house to be in the $20,000 range.

Holloway estimates the damage of his house to be in the $20,000 range.


“Parents have threatened me,” Holloway, a three-time Pro Bowler and Super Bowl XX veteran, told ABC News. “Your kids are in my house breaking and stealing my stuff and you are mad at me because I posted pictures that they took and posted themselves of them partying and tearing things up?”

Even more troubling for Holloway is the fact that he offered parents the chance to make amends for the estimated $20,000 in damage caused to his house, including smashed windows and glass doors, urinated carpets, holes in the ceilings, as well as a stolen eagle statue that was part of a memorial for his stillborn grandson.

The former grid iron star is holding a picnic for veterans at the home on Saturday, and invited the rowdy teens and their parents to help him clean the house.

“Come out and help set up, fix up, bring food, and picnic stuff, so we can honor these real HEROS,” he wrote on his website. “I’m here. Come now. Take a stand for your future. This is called redemption.”…

…”Parents need to step up and go old school,” he told CNN…


The complete article, with video, is at The New York Daily News.


From the comments section of the article:


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Related: Parents of teens who trashed former NFLer’s house threaten to sue

…Holloway was staying at his primary home in Lutz, Fla. when his son alerted him to the tweets about the party. Shocked, Holloway called the cops and watched the drama unfold over Twitter.

“I was following the tweets and you can see the conversation go from ‘This is the greatest party ever, I can’t believe we broke in here’ … to ‘Oh my god the cops are here, run to the woods and get rid of all the drugs.'” (Via CNN)

In the aftermath of the party, Holloway took to social media to hold the partiers accountable…

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