Ron Arnold
Conservative Action Alerts
When the anti-fracking hoax-fest “Gasland Part II” premiered on HBO July 8, eco-filmmaker Josh Fox probably wasn’t expecting explosive emails to surface exposing his fakery and how the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency colluded with him in a campaign to destroy “fracking,” the hydraulic fracturing technology that’s making America energy independent.
Here are the facts:
In January, 2011, Josh Fox requested an interview with Dallas, Texas-based EPA regional director Alfredo Armendariz, who told his press secretary:
“It was good working with him for Gasland, and we try to keep in touch every so often. … Let’s propose to him an outdoor interview in FW [Fort Worth, Texas] somewhere, at a place where he can get good background shots.”
For Armendariz to play assistant producer on Fox’s deceptive shams is not surprising. He came to the EPA from WildEarth Guardians with rabid anti-hydrocarbon allegiances clearly sworn in advance.
This week, Washington Free Beacon’s Lachlan Markay filed a story that helped me link the EPA to Fox and a group of his followers. The story explained how Fox, in his 2010 film Gasland, deceptively portrayed longtime natural methane seepage as a product of fracking…
The article continues at Conservative Action Alerts.
Related: FrackNation.
HYPOCRITES: The group Artists Against Fracking opposes #fracking, yet their livelihoods and lavish lifestyles depend on fossil fuels.
They’re hypocrites! Help us call them out by LIKING & SHARING this picture and writing on Artists Against Fracking’s Facebook wall. — with Alec Baldwin, Uma Thurman, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Rosario Dawson, Rufus Wainwright, Fred Armisen, Susan Sarandon, Yoko Ono, Ringo Starr, Carrie Fisher, Martha Stewart, Julianne Moore, Zooey Deschanel, Mario Batali,Gwyneth Paltrow, Robert Deniro, Hugh Jackman, Roberta Flack, Richard Gere, Lady Gaga, Tim Robbins and Bonnie Raitt.