Kenneth Schortgen Jr
National Finance Examiner
Financier and progressive activist George Soros is formulating a move to control food and grain production by purchasing grain elevators in late March in several parts of the United States through his Soros Managment Fund’s backed Gavilon Grain. With purchases made in March, Gavilon Grain will become the third largest grain company behind Cargill, and Archer-Daniels Midland.
With strong ties to the Obama administration, Soros now has both the economic, and political clout to begin consolidation of purchasing and shipping domestic agriculture around the world.
U.S. grain firm Gavilon Grain said on Thursday it will buy Union Elevator and Warehouse’s 16 grain elevators in the Pacific Northwest , the company’s second big purchase of U.S. grain facilities in the last six months.
The purchase of 16 elevators at 12 locations in eastern Washington will expand Gavilon’s grain capacity by 8.4 mbu.
“The addition of Union Elevator’s grain facilities and origination capabilities position us well to support the growing Pacific Northwest export wheat market and serve the Columbian Basin feed grain market,” Greg Konsor, VP and GM of Gavilon Grain, said in a statement. The PNW is the No. 1 wheat export terminal in the United States. – Reuters
H/T Gulag Bound
Related: From RedState,
George Soros says “Change the world. Change the media.” Yeah, I know we occasionally get trolls claiming that the TEA Party needs to back Net Neutrality and the FCC against Big Business™, but that’s just Soros propagandists looking for useful idiots. Have no doubt about who are adversary is.
Yeah, so the courts ended up throwing out the preemptive suit by Verizon (and also made by Metro PCS) trying to stop Net Neutrality ASAP, but don’t feel bad. It’s not really a loss. It’s just a delay of the inevitable.
So Senator Tom Udall (Democrat-N.M.) wants to get government even more strongly in the Wireless Internet business, even as the House is trying to pull us back. His “Cell Phone Bill Shock Act” would raise costs on all Americans with wireless service plans by adding new burdens on providers, and raise costs on us all, period, by expanding government to enforce that. CTIA says “Legislation is not needed. CTIA’s members currently offer their customers a variety of tools and features, such as 24/7 support on websites and toll-free numbers, to help them monitor their usage. Many carriers also offer free shortcuts for consumers to check the number of texts, amount of voice minutes and data usage.” Will Udall even try to refute that? Facts are facts.
At Square Mile Wife: Media Silent on Soros Conferences
Go read it all.
But the over-arching theme is getting government to fix the media. Columbia University President Lee Bollinger, whose school also includes the well-known and partly Soros-funded Columbia School of Journalism, is one of several speakers advocating for increased government funding for media. He called for federal funding of the media in a 2010 Wall Street Journal piece with the terrifying headline: “Journalism Needs Government Help.” Bollinger pushed for the creation of a public media that combines NPR, PBS and Voice of America. He also wants to “end to the regulation of ‘indecent’ language and images in broadcast programming” and return to the Fairness Doctrine.